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Indgiv klage

Tillid og Transparens

Rapportering af klager og undersøgelser

Care For Others arbejder altid på at skabe grobund for en tillidsfuld og transparent organisation, hvor vi kommer korruption og bedrageri som underslæb, svig, misforvaltning, chikane, vold og uetisk adfærd i forkøbet. Dette gælder for medlemmer, ledere, nationale og internationale partnere, frivillige og donere af Care For Others. Ved tilfælde af fejlbehandling af denne karakter, ønsker Care For Others meget gerne at modtage information herom.

Har du et ønske om at afgive en klage eller videregive vigtig information, både aktuelle og tidligere opstået, kan du formelt eller anonymt gøre det gennem nedenstående formular.

Kan jeg indsende min klage anonymt?

Du vil godt kunne angive din klage/information anonymt, men for at kunne undersøge din klage/information i dybere omfang opfordrer vi til, at man angiver sit navn og kontaktoplysninger. Det skal dog informeres, at uagtet om du oplyser dine kontaktoplysninger, så vil din klage/information blive taget til grundig undersøgelse og dine oplysninger vil blive behandlet fortroligt.

Efter indsendt klage

Din klage vil blive behandlet af relevante personer og myndigheder, herom en tredjepartsadvokat, hvis det er relevant. Vi vil desuden sikre din fortrolighed under alle omstændigheder og såfremt, du har bedt om et svar på et/flere spørgsmål, vil du modtage dette inden for 48 timer.

Dine personoplysninger vil blive behandlet efter den danske databeskyttelsesforordning.

Indsend din klage her.

Reporting of complaints and investigations

Care For Others always works to create fertile ground for a trusting and transparent organisation, where we avoid corruption such as embezzlement, fraud, mismanagement, harassment, violence and unethical behaviour. This applies to members, managers, national and international partners, volunteers and donors of Care For Others. In case of error processing of this nature, Care For Others would like to be informed as soon as possible.

If you have a wish to make a complaint or pass on important information, both current and previous, you can do so formally or anonymously through the form below.

Can I hand in my complaint anonymously?

You are able to state your complaint/information anonymously, but in order to investigate your complaint/information in more depth, we encourage you to state your name and contact details. However, it must be informed that, regardless of whether you provide your contact details, your complaint/information will be thoroughly investigated and your information will be treated confidentially.

After submitting your complaint

Your complaint will be dealt with by relevant persons and authorities, including a third-party lawyer if applicable. We will also ensure your confidentiality in all circumstances and if you have asked for an answer to one/several questions, you will receive this within 48 hours.

Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the Danish data protection regulation.

Submit your information here.


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